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Grafik Tasarım Portfolyo

Graphic Design Workshop

Graphic Design and Animation
Portfolio Program

The aim of the program is to prepare the drawing and design files requested by the fine arts faculties of universities in Turkey and abroad.

By working on drawings suitable for the department you want to enter, you can both prepare for the department exam and complete your portfolio when a file is requested. In this way, you will have done your first studies suitable for your new education life.

Making drawings suitable for the department you want to study will allow you to test yourself on the correctness of your choice.

grafik tasarıma hazırlık kursu
Grafk Tasarım Potflyo
marmara grafik tasarım

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Education Program

I. Basic Knowledge Studies

Charcoal: tone, light/shadow, ratio/proportion, human/space, perspective, imaginative drawings and composition placement by looking and dreaming...

II. File Preparation Studies

During this period, you can start drawing technical drawings with pencils, pastels, watercolors and the files requested by universities abroad.

III. File Delivery Period

You will prepare a successful file by working with our instructors until the last file submission date required by the faculties at domestic and foreign universities.

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